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At Camp Wannakumbac, we provide opportunities for campers to develop and grow through active, co-operative, creative, and a variety of social experiences.  We are dedicated to fostering fun, friendship, and learning (our motto) as well as fostering appreciation for our environment, community, and longstanding traditions. 

Our activities offer something for everyone including: archery, arts and crafts, canoeing/kayaking, dance, drama, environmental science, fishing, guitar/ukulele, hiking, media, mountain biking, digital photography, snorkeling, waterfront recreational games and sports, wilderness survival, yoga, and more.   Please understand that due to campers’ age, campers’ interests, and staff schedules, some activities may not be offered every week. 

Prior to reserving your child's spot, please read :

Pre-Registration Information (click here)!

Reserve your child's spot by completing information and click submit.

  You will be sent an additional form to complete your child's registration.


If you are interested in our Counsellor In Training (CIT) Level 1 or 2, please visit (click here!)  

If your child's preferred camp is full, please complete this our Waiting List Form (click here!)  We will notify you by email if a spot becomes available and provide 48 hours to respond (first-come, first-serve). 

If you:

a)    Need to register by email/phone (instead of through our website);

b)  Need to pay by cheque or e-transfer (instead of options offered);

c)     Plan on accessing financial assistance for full or partial subsidy;

d)     If you are an agency or organization looking to hold spots for your sponsored campers

Phone (204) 848-2380 (between 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Monday – Friday) to verify that a spot is available for your child/children to attend.


Please direct all inquiries about Summer Camp Registration to

Camp Wannakumbac

Summer Camp 2025

Summer Camp 2025

Regular price $425.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $425.00 CAD
Sale This week is full
Camp Week
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Frequently Asked Questions

About Registration

Can I pay by e-transfer?

We are unable to accept e-transfer payments through our online registration site. If e-transfer is necessary, please contact our office by phone at (204) 848-2380 to register your child.

Can I get a refund if my child/children can no longer attend?

After payment, the balance less $50 will be refunded if camp is notified one month prior to the first day (Wednesday) of your child’s camp session. If you wish to cancel within the last month prior to your child/children's first day at camp, please contact our office by phone at (204) 848-2380 to discuss.

Do I get a receipt?

Upon registering online, a confirmation order number (receipt) will automatically be sent to your email. A seoond email will follow, asking you to complete information about the camper including medical information.

Can I get a receipt re-issued if lost or misplaced?

All of our financial records go to an auditor. Therefore, we charge a processing fee to retrieve receipts. If you would like a receipt re-issued, there will be a service fee of $10. Please contact our office by phone at (204) 848-2380 to discuss.

What else do I need to know before registering online?

After you submit the "Camper Information Form" that is sent to you by email, camp will send your camper's Pre-Arrival Information that includes a packing list.

Can I make a request for my child to be in the same cabin as another child?

Please review our Pre-Registration Information (Bullet 4) for greater detail. A Cabin Mate request is only available in Week 5 or 6 for 2 campers (not 3 or more).

At Camp Wannakumbac, campers do not spend all or even most of their time, only with the campers in their cabin.  Campers are randomized throughout the day in their chosen activities and throughout programs.  Other than the first supper on Wednesday, campers are free to eat meals with whom they wish.  Other than for sleeping and occasional groupings throughout the day, they are welcome to connect with their former friends and introduce them to new friends they have met.  Our motto is Fun, Friends, and Learning.  Camp provides opportunities for all children to make friends from across Manitoba and beyond.

If your child is registered in either Weeks 5 or 6 and you and another family wish to make this request, please email