2025 Camper Cabin Mate Request
The opportunity to request a Cabin Mate is provided only for campers who attend
Week 5 – Junior A and Week 6 – Junior B
Prior to making this request, we ask that you consider that at Camp Wannakumbac, campers do not spend all or even most of their time, only with the campers in their cabin. Campers are randomized throughout the day in their chosen activities and throughout programs. Other than the first supper on Wednesday, campers are free to eat meals with whom they wish. Other than for sleeping and occasional groupings throughout the day, they are welcome to connect with their former friends and introduce them to new friends they have met. Our motto is Fun, Friends, and Learning. Camp provides opportunities for all children to make friends from across Manitoba and beyond.
To consider a Cabin Mate request, we require that a separate form be submitted from a legal guardian/parent of each child by June 15. We will confirm receipt of your request within a week.
1. If a Cabin Mate request comes from the legal guardian/parent of one child only, we will not intentionally separate children attending. However, we cannot guarantee that the request will be honoured as cabin assignments are randomized. For privacy reasons, we are not able to notify legal guardian(s)/parent(s) beforehand.
2. If a Cabin Mate request comes from a legal guardian/parent for their child to be in the same cabin as two or more other children, the legal guardian/parent making the request will be contacted and asked to advise which request should be considered as the Cabin Mate request. If the legal guardian/parent does not respond within 48 hours of our communication, Camp will make the final decision on cabin placements for the children involved. For privacy reasons, we are not able to notify legal guardian(s)/parent(s) beforehand.
To facilitate a Cabin Mate request, please:
Step 1: Download this form (click here!)
Step 2: Complete this form using a computer and rename file or "Save As":
Step 3: Return form as an attachment by email to registration@wannakumbac.com before June 15.